Boris & Rishi agree to settle feud with ‘winner takes all’ Greco Roman wrestling match

Boris Johnson wearing a military uniform and holding a rocket launcher.

As Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak continue to butt heads over Johnson’s honours list, the pair have agreed to put it all on the line in a ‘winner takes all’ Greco Roman wrestling match.

“Its clear this has gone beyond diplomacy, a good old fashioned tournament of strength is the only way to solve the feud once and for all” a source close to downing street has told us.

It seems the bickering between the two has no bounds as the pair couldn’t even agree on the grounds of the match. Rishi was a strong advocate to settle things over a one-on-one game of kirby, whilst Johnson would have opted for a simple arm wrestle. It seems an Independent mediator had to be commissioned before the two settled on Greco Roman wresting.

The source told us: “Rishi is taking it very seriously, he’s had the spare bedroom in number 10 remodelled into a wrestling gym with a full size Greco Roman mat. Every time I see him he’s watching tutorials on YouTube”

When Boris was questioned about the event he replied: “I’ll absolutely leather him, he wont even know what’s hit him. I’ve been doing press ups and sit ups in the garden, I can do loads now, I’m going beast mode.”

A date for the event is yet to be publicly announced.

Featured Image: Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits the North East by Andrew Parsons/Number 10 is licenced under CC BY 2.0 | Cropped from original.

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