Nicola Sturgeon demands her ‘death row meal’ after being arrested.

Nicola Sturgeon in front of microphone

Nicola Sturgeon has been reported to have been ‘continually demanding’ her death row meal after her recent arrest.

A source close to the Ex first minister of Scotland has reported that Nicola Sturgeon has refused to say anything at all to anyone, other than the description of her death row meal.

“It’s very strange, she has just repeated the same few words for hours on end” sources told The Daily Horace.

“two tins of marrowfat peas on toast and a glass of warm water”

Nicola Sturgeon

Its understood that it was explained to Nicola Sturgeon that she wasn’t being sentenced to death, however the headstrong Scot continued to demand her final meal. “Sometimes she would be screaming it” our source told us.

It has not been possible to confirm if Sturgeon recieved the meal before being released.

Featured Image: Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland #ArcticCircle2017 by Arctic Circle is licenced under CC BY 2.0

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