Jeff Bezos sets sights on becoming ‘World’s Baldest Man’

Jeff Bezos Laughing

After achieving the title of world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos has now set himself a new goal of becoming the ‘World’s Baldest Man’.

The new direction has been confirmed by Jeff only 6 weeks after being spotted frequenting ‘Joe’s Hair Removal Clinic’ in southern Seattle, Washington. Jeff took to Twitter announcing the attempt.

“2017 I was the richest, 2023 I will be the baldest”

Jeff Bezos, 2023, via Twitter

“He’s undergone 16 laser hair removal procedures and doesn’t plan to stop there” sources close to the Bezos household reported.

Joe of Joe’s Hair Removal Clinic told The Daily Horace: “There’s absolutely nothing left to remove, sometimes I don’t even turn the laser on, I just rub the tube over his head”.

It has not yet been confirmed if ‘World’s Baldest Man’ is to become a recognised world record.

Featured Image: Jeff Bezos’ iconic laugh.jpg” by Steve Jurvetson is licensed under CC BY 2.0. | Cropped from original.

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