Tom Cruise Has Double the Amount of Blood Than the Average Man, Doctors Confirm

Tom Cruise wearing a suit.

Doctors have discovered that Tom Cruise holds twice the normal amount of blood in his body. Extensive tests indicate Cruise holds at least double the average of 5 litres (10.5 pints).

Ahead of the new Mission Impossible film release, Cruise agreed to be subject to a series of medical examinations as part of his occupational health contract to complete stunt work on the production. During these routine tests it was discovered that the Top Gun star has roughly 10 litres (21 pints) of blood – double what the average human should have.

When asked about his new found condition Cruise said “No I wasn’t shocked at all, I’ve always had a sneaky feeling that I have more bones than normal too”. He then added “I think its good that I’ve got loads of blood, my heart doesn’t have to work as hard”.

Doctors are working hard to further understand this issue, however an explanation is yet to be found.

Featured Image: “Jack Reacher- Never Go Back Japan Premiere Red Carpet- Tom Cruise (35338493152) ” by Dick Thomas Johnson is licensed under CC BY 2.0. | Cropped from Original.

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