Terror in Chipping Norton as Roadside Honesty Box Short-Changed

Terror has struck Chipping Norton, leaving residents scared to leave their homes, as a roadside honesty box selling eggs has been found short-changed.

The heinous crime was reported in the early hours of yesterday morning as 82-year-old Barney Stevenson, the attendee of the honesty box, made his rounds to restock and collect his money. Upon counting his takings, Barney was aghast to find the money box was 30 pence short.

“I was struck dumb with shock I was, I got back on my tandem and high-tailed it straight to the police station to speak to PC Crawley.” Mr Stevenson reported.

When asked how seriously the Chipping Norton Police are taking this matter, PC Crawley issued the following statement: “I can assure you we are taking this case very seriously, we do not make habit of allowing such vile criminals to roam our locality and we will be teaming up with the Chipping Norton Scouts to put together a task force dedicated to catching the criminal. Mark my words, justice will be served”.

As of writing there have been no arrests made in connection with the investigation, however, sources have reported to The Daily Horace that Mr Stevenson has been reimbursed by the form of a whip-round from the members of the Chipping Norton Tandem Bicycle Owners Club.

Featured Image: “Eggs for sale, Church cottage, Welcombe” by jimkillock is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. | Cropped From Original.

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